
New Face Miss Henny's Blog

Mencoba penampilan baru :)

Who am i ?

I'am a teacher of Information Technology :P

Tik tok tik tok

Life is long journey, nothing to loose, but make your own personality is the important thing

Love yourself

Before think about others :)

Showing posts with label praktek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label praktek. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kisi-Kisi Soal Ulangan Praktek TIK SMP

Berikut kisi-kisi soal ulangan harian praktek TIK SMP kelas CI.1 Studi 3

Petunjuk Pengerjaan
1. Download Soal Ulangan Praktek
2. Simpan di folder D: , beri nama dan kelas/no
3. Kerjakan dengan teliti

4. Kirim hasilnya via email heni.pr@gmail.com
5. Selamat mengerjakan !